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February is American Heart Month

Did you know February is American Heart Month? It’s a great time to take notice of the health of your heart, says Dr. Michael Theurer. Cardiovascular disease remains American’s number one killer, according to the American Heart Association. Studies have shown a correlation between gum disease and heart disease, underscoring the importance of good oral health… Continue reading February is American Heart Month

Dr. Michael Theurer, reminding you to protect your mouth this winter

With winter sports under way for a lot of our patients, Dr. Michael Theurer thought it would be a good time to remind our young athletes wearing braces to take care of both their mouth and appliances while participating in contact sports (and non-contact sports) this winter. More than half of the seven million sports and recreation-related… Continue reading Dr. Michael Theurer, reminding you to protect your mouth this winter

Beware of those Christmas goodies!

At Theurer Orthodontics, we know maintaining a healthy diet over the holiday season can prove a difficult task. After all, who can resist the tasty treats of Christmas? With grandma and everybody else offering you candy, chocolate logs or Christmas pudding, you just can’t say “I’ll pass” each time. But trouble lurks: every time you chow… Continue reading Beware of those Christmas goodies!

Share your winter break plans with us!

Dr. Michael Theurer and our team at Theurer Orthodontics want to know: what do your winter plans look like? Do you have any plans for an exciting family vacation? Are you hanging out around town? Catching up on sleep? Spending time with friends? Let us know! Please feel free to share your exciting winter plans and experiences… Continue reading Share your winter break plans with us!